I come from a show business family.My parents did a comedy acrobat act and I traveled all over the world with them since I was born.You could say I lived in a suitcase.When I reached the age of eight years old my father wanted me to learn to play accordion,but his real intentions, was so he could incorporate me in his act as a musical director.My parents happening to have a 6 months contract in Italy,where I was taking lessons from the musical director of the orchestra,which he conducted at least thirty musicians.Looking back on my first teacher, he was really from a contemporary classical background.Now I was on my way to see the the world of music and have an opportunity to work with musicians and big stars of that time and receive a gift of knowledge,organisation,management,responsibility and see almost every culture of the world.
I must have been to at least thirty different schools all over the world.I never did have a chance to be with any school friends for long.
I worked every night and had to get up in the morning to go to school.Sometimes only having a few hours sleep,anyway I had a blast playing and living in such countries as Hong Kong was my first time performing on stage at ten years old.
Then we would go to Singapore,Philippines,Taiwan,Thailand,Vietnam, Australia,Tahiti,Fiji,Japan,Okinawa.
My first solo in the act came about in New Zealand, I was 12 years old and I played ,The flight of the Bumble Bee by Rimsky Korsakov… We worked all over in a chain of theaters which was incredible,because there were all there to watch the show and get entertained opposed to eating food at high class night clubs.
When I reached the age of 18 my father told me to start singing.So, I was in the Philippines at the time working at a high class super club called the ..Blue Nile..and a Philippine sax player wrote my first arrangement for the orchestra.My first song I sang was called ..Let it be me…The next song I learned was ..Mister Lonely by Bobby Vinton..Little did I know that I would be his pianist 6 years later in life.After,working 10 years with my parents.They retired and I moved on starting with joining all kinds of groups and styles. I went to Las Vegas with a show group called ..South Bay Transit.. and I worked at Caesars Palace as performer,singer,keyboards. I was asked if I would be interested in a new show, in Lake Tahoe,Harrah’s Casino.I got the job as the Musical Director and M.C. and I wrote for a 22 piece orchestra for acts,singers,dancers.It was a lot of fun.Stayed there for 4 years.Then I left for Los Angeles and played with all kinds of groups, and at last I started a solo career and got a job offer to come to Europe.I have been in Europe ever since 1988.